Monique Savin, the Power Crunch columnist for the Globe and Mail, interviewed me a few weeks ago regarding Kelley Keehn, a personal finance expert.
Check out the article. To me being healthy is all about finding balance. Overdoing it in any way towards any extreme is a sure fire way to get out of balance and create a state of tension and depletion in our bodies.
Trust me. I know all about over doing it! I'm no angel on this front. That's the main reason why I want to help raise my clients' awareness about the tendency to overdo things in our society. Whether it be about working too much or thinking more and more exercise makes us healthier or going on overly restrictive diets. At the heart of these behaviours is the feeling of not being good enough. And when we fail at being perfect, the pendulum can swing in the opposite direction of feeling like a failure and giving up altogether in making changes.
Anyway, I could go on but you get the drift.