Today I did an interview with 680 News in Calgary and wanted to share one of the central pieces of advice I have for people wanting to improve their relationships with their bodies.
True lasting change doesn't start with choosing the perfect type of yogurt or finding the next miracle food or even committing to a new exercise regiment. It's not about finding the perfect trainer or the next hottest fitness studio that will be the answer to your health and fitness problems. It doesn't start with micro choices but instead trickles down from our larger life intentions.
Transformation and improved peace in life starts with knowing what really matters to us, that is, getting in alignment with what is truly most important. When were are out of alignment with our core values, we are driven to dissociate or numb out from our internal dissonance. This internal struggle and departure from what really matters to us can lead to lethargy and suck our energy dry.
Getting out of alignment could be letting our ego/ambition dominate our choices, working too much, taking us away from enough quality connected time with our kids or enough time to exercise and care for ourselves. It could be taking on too much outside work in terms of volunteerism so we look like supermoms to the outside world. It could be not setting aside enough time to connect with ourselves or our spouses or partners. I could go on and on. But we all know when we stray from the things that REALLY matter in our lives. When we are in alignment with our deepest selves, we don't feel the same drive to overeat or engage in behaviours that help us forget about a lack of fulfillment. (AKA addictive behaviours)
We all know on some level what our guiding core values should be.
If you're serious about really making change in your life for the better, I suggest you take a few days to ask yourself if your overall life paradigm is in alignment with your true self.
After living in the question of "What is truly important to me" write down the top five most important things in your life. These are your guiding principles. Start asking yourself every opportunity you have in making a choice, big or small, if you are moving closer or further away from your true values. Give yourself a break when you don't honor your values and notice when you've strayed. And make the next choice in front of you with consciousness and a sense of responsibility.
Life is too short and sweet to waste on living someone else's life eaten up by regret about what we wish might have been if only we knew at the time.
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