Anyone catch wind of the fact that yesterday was Blue Monday? I wanted to find out what the hell Blue Monday was and who decided it was the bluest day of the year and why. Here's what I found from a Globe and Mail article from yesterday. Blue Monday was born because a British travel company wanted to market winter travel based on what could be considered the bluest day of the year.
Sky Travel reportedly offered some dough to any academic who would put his or her stamp on the idea that there’s a seasonal mood nadir. A fellow called Cliff Arnall, then a lecturer (and part-time one at that) at Cardiff University in Wales, threw in his hat, and well, the rest is very depressing indeed. (To underscore the flimsy basis for Blue Monday, not everyone agrees on the date; some will “celebrate” next week.)
The mood expert came up with some cockamamie formula using W for weather, D for debt, d for monthly salary, T for time since Christmas, Q for time since failed attempt for a New Year’s resolution, M for motivational levels and NA for need to take action. ( I will spare you the mathematical equation.) Basically, he pseudo-figured that with seasonal affective disorder (the winter blues), broken New Year’s resolutions, the wearing off of any jubilation experienced during the holiday season and mounting debt from having bought everyone presents they may not even like, it is the most depressing day of the year.
We all have blah days for sure. I have to admit, I felt it a bit the last couple days. I'm not a winter person. I'm a West Coaster at heart and the cold kicks my ass. Today, I had to find a way to kick my own ass out of the blahs and find a way to motivate my noon class. So I decided that partnered exercises would be a perfect way to shake things up and shake out the blues.
We all had a blast and definitely got out of our comfort zones. Connecting with other people is one of the best ways to get an escape from grumpy selves, even if it means they sweat on us a bit.
Here's some of the exercises we did today. Grab a partner and give 'em a go.
Blue Monday Workout Blues Buster:
Wheelbarrow push ups - remember from childhood wheelbarrow races? Same starting position. Tighten your core and do 10 -15 push ups. The partner holding their buddies legs and hold themselves in a squat.
Partnered single leg jumps - each partner grabs one ankle facing each other and jumps on one foot. You're going to get a killer burn in your calves, hamstrings, glutes and maybe even quads. Jump 100 times each leg. Ouch!
Partnered towel rows - partners face each other holding a hand towel in either their right hands or left hands. Resist your partner as he/she pulls and rows activating all the back muscles. Do 12 pulls each on each side.
Lower abdominal hand taps - lie on your back and get your partner to stand just above your head. Grab your partner's ankles. Other partner holds their hands up at chin level. Exhale and life your feet in a controlled manner towards your partner's hands. Lower straight legs only to the point the back stays stable and supportive. Complete 30 reps each.
And BTW, some experts argue that NEXT Monday is actually Blue Monday. But at least you're prepared now. Grab a partner and kick the blahs out of your butt.
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