I'm about to head to the airport to catch a flight to Berlin. I was thinking about my plan to keep on feeling good while I'm away. I may or may not check out some gyms which is always an interesting cultural education. But I have things I automatically do to stay fit and healthy while I'm away. Most people dread gaining weight on a trip. I actually rarely gain weight while I'm away with the exception of my 4 month European adventure during university. That could have been due to a tight budget requiring copious amounts of baguette and cheese eating and maybe a little too much wine drinking.
I thought I'd share some of my secrets for being able to fully enjoy travel while avoiding weight gain and a loss of overall fitness. Life is too short to feel like we have to undo the effects of a vacation. Kind of misses the point of going away for a break or adventure doesn't it.
1) I eat whatever I want, I just don't eat too much.
I love trying new food and drink. It's a big part of why I enjoy travel. I don't deprive myself of the gift of food and the sensuality that accompanies enjoying it. I just don't over eat. Plain and simple. I stop before I'm full because I know it takes time for us to register we are full. I eat regularly and don't skip meals.
2) I walk everywhere.
I will avoid taking the metro if it means I get to walk through an interesting neighborhood. This is a no brainer.
3) I bring a heavy resistant stretch band.
One of the things I hate giving up while traveling is working my back and core. You can hit every major muscle group with bodyweight training (i.e. no equipment) except our backs. I'm very serious about good posture and alignment and love feeling tall and strong. So I do at least 2 strength training workouts a week while away that last about 30 minutes.
If you want an example of an equipment free workout you could do anywhere, check out a video of me on The Kit. There's one full body workout and one core workout.
4) I stretch
Sitting on a plane for long periods and walking a lot can create sore hip flexors and tighten up different muscles in the entire body. I take five minutes at the end of a travel day to do some basic stretching for my glutes, hip flexors and spine.
5) I don't leave assuming I'm going to gain weight
This is the biggest one. Most people assume they will gain weight while on vacation. I don't. We can taste food without stuffing ourselves like pigs. If I'm full, I leave leftover food on my plate. I hate feeling bloated. How is that fun?
6) I use vacations as an opportunity to catch up on sleep
We need vacations to recharge psychologically and physically. Albeit I might have a couple late nights during my trip to Berlin, I respect the need to restore our energy reserves. I love naps while on vacation or even just laying down and reading. I don't over plan my days so that I come back wiped out. One of the best ways to stop storing fat on our tummies is to bring our cortisol (stress hormone) levels down. Vacations should be about destressing.
So there are some of my staying fit while traveling tips. Just remember, fun doesn't have to involve gluttony. And overeating just isn't sexy at home or on vacation. Remember there is no falling off the wagon and getting back on it in terms of health and fitness. Stop thinking there is a wagon at all.
Gotta go! Whoot hoot!
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