Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Indo Board Workout: Functional or another fad?

I saw this posted on the New York Times Well Blog and thought it looked kind of fun. The only thing that totally loses me with new group fitness classes though are the 'cardio' or warm up moves. I started teaching in 1991 and it seems that these moves just won't go away. If I never do another grape vine in my life, I will be happy. Why can't group fitness move to more functional warm ups like joint mobility and dynamic stretching to actually prepare the body for movement!

So in terms of how useful I think the Indo Board Workout is, I work with people with compromised proprioception (meaning "one's own" and perception and the sense of the relative position of neighbouring parts of the body and strength of effort being employed in movement). In fact, most people who live from the neck up and don't really tune into their bodies benefit from work that makes them think about what their bodies have to do to accomplish a movement.

I also find work that focuses on proprioception is an excellent stress reduction tool. It's like moving meditation. When we have to focus in the moment on exactly what we're doing or we will fall or lose balance, the past and the future melt away.

People post chemo often have issues with proprioception as do people with any neurological issues. I also find people suffering from anxiety and depression find it hard to complete balance exercises possible due to a completely taxed nervous system.

In addition to work that makes people sweat and improve strength, I love work that integrates the entire being to make people more body aware. So thumbs up to the Indo Board workout. But could you guys lose the cheesy toe tapping cardio and 90s aerobic style warm up? It's not necessary nor is it functional.



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