Sunday, January 10, 2010

Could this be the magic behind Urban Warrior?

I love the Globe and Mail coverage on fitness and health. They really seem to be on it. I've often speculated why my group workshops leave people feeling so good. I know for sure it's not me! There's a magic that happens when the same group of people work out together twice a week for six weeks.

Well Alex Hutchinson has summed it up nicely in this article.

Here's a little excerpt.

"Endorphins are produced by virtually any vigorous physical activity, but group work appears to enhance the effect dramatically – and there's plenty of evidence that exercise classes meet that description. In a series of studies stretching back more than a decade, University of Saskatchewan professor Kevin Spink has found those who feel a greater sense of “groupness” and cohesion within an exercise class are more punctual, have better attendance and even work harder."

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