Tomorrow is Labour Day up here in the great white north and marks the end of summer, at least for some of us. The day before the first day back to school is really the last day of summer for me having been programmed into me as a child. So tonight I thought I would flex my gratitude muscle and reflect on what a FREAKIN awesome summer I've had.
I had a discussion with someone last night about how, in his opinion, the word awesome is over used. I then rebutted with, "well maybe you're not as in awe of the world as some people like me might be". Touche I say.
I have had one of the best summers in memory not necessarily because of everything I did but something else harder to express in words. Maybe it's getting older. Maybe it's working with the sick folks or the recovered clients I do. Or maybe I'm just starting to slowly figure out this enjoying the moment more thing.
So here's a laconic list of the things that have peppered my summer with joy, made me pee my pants with laughter, strummed the chords of my heart and made me stop and say "THANK YOU!".
Trip to Paris with a huge list of things within those days including:
swimming in old art deco pool, watching my child almost breathless with wonderment whilst on the highest level of the Eiffel Tower, Yves Saint Laurent exhibit, Gustave Moreau's house, Luxembourg gardens, Versailles, best quiche I've ever tasted, reconnecting with high school friend in her gorgeous apartment in the Bastille, the best aged goat cheese abundantly available, chilled Beaujolais, white chocolate ice cream to die for, Parisian Pizza, bateau mouche, sitting on the Seine, could go on and on
David Gray, Ray LaMontagne, Serena Ryder concert. Thank you Helen!
Walking through the summer streets late last Saturday with my bud Vic and giggling like school girls for a good 2 hours. Don't ask.
Bumper boats at Ontario Place
Bruce Peninsula weekend at Ilana's and my first Pow Wow...danced and danced.
Picnics in Trinity Bellwoods and Dufferin Grove
Swimming at Christie Pitts
BBQs at Vics with excellent food and better company
A couple circus days at Dufferin Grove
Pedicure with girlfriends
Dinners out at Enoteca Sociale and Foxley and Boehmer
Night out with Sarah P and Shannon that included great band at the Dakota
World Cup party at Ilana's
Summer camp drop off and pick ups - the excitement was beautiful
Watching a theatre production put on by midgets including one of my own
AGO Drama and Desire exhibit
Afternoon on a blanket at Bickford park
Beautiful warm mornings at dog parks
Summer movie nights and stepping out at 11 pm and it still being warm
Feeding friends at my house on multiple occasions and them pretending they loved all the food I made
Trips to the corner store for freezies or popsicles
Lemonade stand - home made only of course
The final completion of living room reno and renting a jackhammer for first and only time in my life
Workouts at Clinton School...I watched of course
Pull up contest at Silvie's on Saturday...almost passed out
Pho at Golden Turtle with friends on multiple occasions
Numerous humbling self disclosures from people and clients
Brunch at Mitzi's on College
Getting huge kiddie pool home from the Dirty Duff without incident and reaping the reward...wet kids running through the house
Flowers from a 5 year old boy
Rouge Valley hike stepping into an idyllic meadow, grass swaying under the wind
Visit to the Beaches on a windy day watching the pooches frolic
Worst line during a date I've ever heard that in the end has provided extensive entertainment to numerous people
Sleeping on a couch while someone else made dinner
Summer sun showers
Sun rises on my way to work - yes I work EARLY sometimes
New buddy workouts with Sarah and Sara-Clare and sometimes Vic ;)
A totally unplanned afternoon under a tree sitting peacefully, no words
Phew. I can't think of anything else. Just wanted to reflect for a moment. I'm sure I've forgotten something significant. It'll come to me later but for now, I sleep.
Good bye summer 2010.
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