It's called Aichmophobia- Fear of needles or pointed objects.
Don't want to come across of sexist or anything but really, what is up with so many men being squeamish when it comes to needles. I see a lot of clients going through fertility treatment. This process involves a lot of poking. Men like to poke things yes, but not when it comes to poking with needles.
Both of my morning clients told me that their partners have a fear of needles, even if they are the ones doing the poking, not getting poked. IVF treatment involves a whole lot of needles, sometimes in the belly, sometimes in the ass.
Turns out that one of my clients, let's call her Stephanie, has to reach around and poke her own ass injection of progesterone. I said, "I'll take care it if your husband can't handle it". Unfortunately, her injections are a nightly thing so I won't be able to lend a helping hand. Might be out of my scope in terms of being a fitness professional, not out of my scope in terms of what I'd do for a friend.
My other client this morning told me that her partner had to go in for a personal lesson from the nurse at the fertility clinic so that he could get over his fear and know that he was doing it properly. The instructions of inserting needle into butt muscle and pushing the plunger thingy wasn't enough. In the end, he stepped up but only after a little hand holding.
I have known some men that won't go to see a doctor for a problem, just in the off chance they might have to get a needle of some sort. Really? It's just a tiny little prick for a second boys.
While women take it for the team over and over again in terms of child bearing, nursing or even going through the turmoil of fertility treatments, sometimes surgeries to fix the plumbing etc. I think we should stand up and say, "just do the poking when necessary boys and shut it". That's my two bits about it.
And if anyone would like me to do their nightly injections for them, just swing on by. I'll help you out. I'm not afraid to help a sister out in her pursuit of getting knocked up.
I should try to make this post relevant to fitness somehow so here goes...
Given the roller coaster ride involved in fertility treatments and IVF, I have truly been blessed to share this journey with many women. Even if I've just been a place to let the stress out while helping women still feel somewhat in control of their bodies and destinies, we all deserve a soft place to fall when life isn't going to way we had really hoped it would.
Working out while going through fertility treatment is a great way to manage stress, blow off some steam and not let all those crazy hormones get the best of you. Can also help manage the normal weight gain or redistribution of muscle and fat that goes along with all the hormonal shifts.
But really, I'm just poking fun at the boys. I could do more justice to the working out during fertility treatment subject at a later date.