My most recent iVillage Column is a equipment free home workout for women in their first trimester. It was soooo hard to write. So many things to consider including experience level with exercise, choosing exercises that even barfy mamas can do easily and creating enough of a challenge that mamas will feel like they actually did something.
I put together five exercises that hit all the major muscle groups and work on alignment and structural balance to help with the weight about to be packed on. This pic is of the plie squat. Since gravity plays a really important role in getting the cervix to open up during labor, we need to find the strength to squat while in labor.
It might seem far fetched that you're going to actually work out while you feel nauseous and exhausted, but it always helped me feel better. I remember many times in my first trimester (when everyone at the studio I was working at the time didn't know I was pregnant yet) sitting in a bathroom stall before a class wondering how I was going to get through an hour of teaching and motivating people. And every single time I got the strength together to move a bit, I ALWAYS felt better for a good couple hours.
So go check it out!
This is really good. But mys sister has high blood pressure. Is it good for her?