My most recent iVillage Column celebrates the truly inspiring woman in my Urbanfitt community, Jennifer Orange.
Please read the full article. It will put your life struggles in perspective. Trust me.
Jennifer shares her experience in the Canadian health care system, advocating for her daughter as she struggles with a rare disease.
If you are lucky enough to have Jennifer in your community like I am, she is a constant reminder of grace under pressure and living life with a generous heart.
Visit her online health care management tool
Donate to Julia's Fund.
Jennifer and her family are asking for help to raise money for Julia’s Fund, a Canada-US Registry to fund research and find the best treatments for Autoimmune Polyendocrinopathy Syndrome. To date they have raised over $45,000. Their goal is $175,000.
Thanks to Jane and the Urbanfitt community for all of your support--to me in the gym and for Julia's Fund!