Tuesday, July 20, 2010

"Look Who’s Swinging Now - post natal kettlebell training" by Sara-Clare Lajeunesse

Here's the second installment of the articles that Sara-Clare Lajeunesse wrote for the Agatsu Inc. online magazine! Great insights and inspiration for anyone working with post-natal clients! We heart SC at Urbanfitt!

At the time of Baby Harry’s arrival, new mom Jennifer Goldman (33, teacher) was exhausted after 29.5 hours of labour and an episiotomy . Before her pregnancy and during, her exercise regime consisted of a one hour yoga class once a week and approx 45min to an hour of walking everyday.

9 weeks after Harry’s birth she was starting to feel the blues both physically and mentally. That’s when I came in. I gave Jenny and her husband Jim Annan (33, actor) a KB demo in hopes of including them in their hour long sessions with me. They were hooked and now 5 weeks later, with both seeing loss of fat and gains in strength and energy neither are looking back!

Q & A’s

What was your first impression after using KBs?
Jenny-I felt it was challenging and yet my body did not feel stressed or strained.
Jim-Liked it, as opposed to free weights I didn’t get tired as the workout went on because I felt like I was using more of my body to complete the movement.

What changes have you seen since you started using KB’s?
Jim-More energy, feeling stronger. My posture has improved, am more aware that I’m standing straighter. Overall it’s a confidence.
Jenny-Just feeling better! More energy.

What do you like most about using KB’s?
Jim-It makes you want to do more.
Jenny-“It’s always changing, which is important for me because I get bored fast.”

When asked about the technical side of it Jenny said, “It’s de-stressing, I don’t think about anything else when I’m exercising except what I’m doing at the moment.”

Goals and Progress

Since our training has begun Jenny has not only shed 28 lbs in 5 weeks but has gained more upper body and stabilizing strength as well as fixed a lot of the imbalances in her lower back due to lordosis common in post natal clients. Consequently, Jim has also managed to loose his baby sympathy weight and loose 12 lbs of fat.

Overall, they both feel that their stamina and flexibility has also improved, as they now have more body awareness when carrying and holding Harry as he continues to get heavier. I have also been upping the KB weights they are working with as they get stronger.
Jenny is still working on getting back to her 118 lbs pre-Harry weight, but feels her body is stronger than before. Yesterday her statement before the workout was “I have abs! I have to show you!”

Some things to watch for when Training a New Mom:

Diastasis recti: The partial or complete separation on the rectus abdominis common to most women during the third trimester. Kbs are great as they can strengthen abs with little to no impact. Ex: around the body passes.

Joint laxity: The hormone relaxin released during the pregnancy to assist in the widening of the pelvis. Joints may feel loose and may hyperextend more easily. Starting your client off with simple strength training movements that mimic and aid in her everyday routine are best. Ex: light cleans followed by two handed push press as you advance to sumo dead lift high pulls.
*Also adding in joint mobility exercises like windmills will help your client regain much needed awareness in her hips, stabilizers and upper body that she will need while performing day to day tasks as the baby grows and get heavier.

Episiotomy: a HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surgical" o "Surgical" surgical incision made to enlarge the HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vagina" o "Vagina" vagina and assist childbirth. Make sure that the sutures have healed before attempting deep bending or rigorous lateral leg movements. Keep to exercises that will make her feel comfortable and controlled in the area such as push presses or a bent press.

Incontinence: commonly referred to as a weak bladder control (or leaky lady syndrome). Because kb training uses so much of the body’s stabilizing muscle groups it is so easy to add in kegel exercises to almost every kb movement. Very important when dealing with women who have had an episiotomy, they need to regain vaginal muscle control with sometimes very little feeling in that area. For example have your client do a thruster while performing a kegel squeeze at the top or a floor press and holding the contraction as long as possible.

Hydration: Can be a big problem if women aren’t hydrated for workouts and also more sensitive to blood sugar due to the need for an extra 500 calories a day to support nursing nutritional requirements.

Dos and Don’ts of Post Natal Training:

-Be sure the amount of exercise is enough but don’t push it. If it feels good that’s enough.
-Do not chart performance progress. Remember everyday things are changing. Instead think of it as helping your client to regain body awareness.
-Do not ignore fatigue or pain and be flexible with work out design depending on sleep issues.
-Watch out for weak ab muscles. Do not force sit ups of any kind in the first few weeks. Instead stick to stabilizer exercises that use entire body rather than target.

Benefits of KB training for new moms

-helps abdominal wall in healing (distasis recti)
-helps redirect postural alignment from lordosis, hyperextension, and kyphosis
-aids in strengthening the pelvic floor (kegel)
-promotes healthy back care
-combats post-partum depression
-wide variety of low-impact movements that will strengthen without harming their weakened joints (laxity)
-aerobic exercise and strength training all in one
-convenient to do in your own home

Sample workout:
Designed to help lose weight and regain body awareness as you move from
simpler movements building up to more complex.
Joint mobility and warm up, adding in:
-around the body passes
Fascia foam roller release on tight areas
(typically hip flexors and QLs)

2-3 Rounds (always being mindful to scale if needed)
-10 two arm swings
-10 walking lunges each leg with kb trunk rotation
-10 two arm swings
-5 clean and press on each side
-10 two arm swings
- 2 TGU’s on each side

Followed by Active Release Stretching

Trainer’s Bio
Sara-Clare Lajeunesse
CPT since 2003
Agatsu Kettlebell level 1
Crossfit Movement and Joint Mobility (Kelly Starett)
Can Fit Pro CPT and Pre/Post Natal
Background in dance, gymnastics, yoga and all around fun things that get you moving!


  1. Hey,
    Where is the ebook,or videos, you really need to make this available to the masses, and put on your site. I think this is some great information that allot of women what love to have. Thanks!

  2. kettlebell exercises is suited for all men and women regardless of age. Regular exercise using Kettlebell makes fluffy muscles grow stronger with a stunning look. Great benefits described for post natal new moms. Great writing!
