Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Troublemakers - Pema Chodron's Wisdom

One of my friends had a hard time with someone this week. He got under her skin and drove her a little crazy. Sounds like the dude has some pretty bent morals and might have lost his way. These 'troublemakers' that come across our paths often end up teaching the most about ourselves vs. the people we don't have any struggle with. It's much easier to have perspective after some time has passed for sure. But Pema Chodron is one of those gifted teachers who can help me find peace in the middle of chaos, struggle and pain. Here's a great clip of her speaking about the troublemakers that come our way.



  1. so powerful! just what i needed to hear.

  2. This was really a great clip of gifted teachers that helped to give peace and they are speaking about the troublemakers that come your way.
