I tried getting a hold of Stephen Harper's public relations person, Dimitri Soudas, to interview Stephen Harper about his continued weight loss and fitness plan and about his struggles in keeping the pounds off. He's not the only busy Canadian trying to stay fit given demands of work and family. I say if Stephen Harper can't do it, how does he empower other Canadians to tackle their weight challenges? And I wanted to know, as a Canadian, if he was taking care of business and staying healthy for us all.
The Conservatives promised to double the child fitness tax credit from $500 to $1000 and provide a $500 fitness tax credit to adult Canadians in 2015.
But if fitness isn't important to the leader of Canada, how can we be sure it's going to remain a priority instead of just being a campaign promise? I've consulted in large organizations in implementing wellness programs. What I've found is that if the leader of an organization doesn't make fitness and health a priority in his or her life, it's not going to trickle down through the entire organization. This phenomonem isn't disimilar in my mind to what happens on a national level. If our brave leader doesn't make his wellness a priority, how is this going to become a normal part of Canadian culture.
Let's take a look at Barrack Obama. Why not take a look at the Obamas as a couple. They're looking mighty fine and fit. They don't mess around when it comes to staying trim and working out. They also aren't afraid to speak openly about helping their daughter tackle weight issues. If the President of the United States can stay fit and lead by example, then surely many Americans feel empowered by their inspiring leader.
I wish I could have talked to Harper, even given him some tips for staying healthy and fit while on the road. Hell, you can even eat out every day and not gain weight if you've got a strategy.
But what do you think about having a leader who struggles with his weight? Does this make you respect him any less? Should he be held to a higher standard than the rest of us since he purports to being the best to lead us?
All I can say is why wait until 2015 for an Adult Fitness Tax Credit. Do it now. People need help and encouragement P.M.
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All the best,
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