I WISH I could sit down with every trainer on the planet who still thinks that more exercise at a higher intensity is what it takes to get people fit and lean. It makes me crazy to think that fitness professionals are out there that don't think like health professionals looking at the big picture wellness of a client in order to prescribe individualized fitness for where people are at in their lives. In fact, are there still trainers out there that operate this way? Yikes.
It's all about getting the body back in balance. I feel like a broken record sometimes. But sometimes I experience small victories. Like today a dear friend and client emailed me to let me know she saw Dr. Penny Kendall-Reed, Naturopathic doctor, who I consulted for my most recent iVillage article "7 Exercise strategies to battle premature aging".
Week after week my dear friend would come in for an early morning workout after only sleeping 6 hours the night before having been unable to stay asleep due to stress. Eventually, she developed digestive disorders that her doctor investigated through imaging and then got referred to a nutritionist. The nutritionist got her on an elimination diet, didn't ask her about her work life balance issues and sent her on her way. In addition, she started having issues with historic injuries and they just wouldn't heal the way they had in the past. I pleaded with her. You are burnt out. Your body is saying no because you can't say no for yourself. You need to heal your body, get help learning to sleep again without the use of pharmaceuticals and learn how to set more realistic works goals for yourself. Also, I talked to her about how her cortisol and hormones were out of balance. Well she heard the same thing from Dr. Kendall-Reed today and slept for 9 hours straight for the first time in god knows how long.
So go check out my recent article on iVillage Canada. Find out what ya gotta do to slow down the rapid aging process many of us get caught up in our efforts to 'get ahead' in life.
I'm into your style of exercises like Yoga. I like it slow and relaxing because it really relieves stress and makes me feel younger. It doesn't need you to exert too much effort which I think increases stress and makes you feel older.