Sometimes I take requests in class for exercises or body parts. Sometimes I entertain the requests if they aren't too kooky. Often, women ask for inner thigh exercises still hanging on to the lost cause of spot reduction. It seems people take issues with their thighs rubbing together. Certainly, endurance athletes who have to deal with inner thigh chafing have a legitimate complaint. Any chafing stings like hell in a post workout shower and can get infected due to moisture and constant irritation.
My most recent column at iVillage is all about inner thigh chafing AKA chub rub. Get your mind out of the gutter.
It might be impossible to stop our thighs from touching but there are some creative solutions out there to make it less annoying!
So go check out the article! There's also a picture and description of my favourite inner thigh exercise I like to call "Bladerunner".
A great solution to chafing is to use Bandelettes they have unisex pairs that I use when I am working out but they also have sexy styles that look great under dresses, skirts, and shorts. They are absolutely a great solution to prevent chafing and I absolutely love Bandelettes. http://www.bandelettes.com