First, you have to watch this. It's freakin' hilarious!
Second, here's your crucifiction core tabata workout.
(Tabata is a four minute set - 20 seconds full out effort, 10 seconds rest for 4 minutes total.)
You can add this on at the end of any workout or even do a quickie core crucifiction workout by itself after some dynamic warm up (leg throws, inch worms, walking hip flexor stretches etc.) AKA lube up those joints first.
Complete the following 3-4 times with 1 minute rest between Tabata sets. Killer!
1) Renegade rows with minimum 10 lbs dumbells (20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest, 20 seconds on 10 seconds rest)
2) Stability ball pikes (20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest, 20 seconds on 10 seconds rest)
3) Firehydrant mountain climber with glute ham raise (20 seconds on 10 seconds rest 20 seconds on 10 seconds rest)
4) Passovers (20 seconds on 10 seconds rest 20 seconds on 10 seconds rest)
Last, here is a little youtube video of what happens every Good Friday right in front of my studio in Toronto's west end. The kids love the Good Friday parade. Ya right. Forget about candy at parades. Come watch Jesus get his ass kicked for fun kids.
And last but not least, an Urbanfitt member named Christina is the mama of easter eggs. This is a picture of the egg I got to choose for myself. We've all been bugging her to start giving egg painting lessons. Amazing. Her designs could be turned into wallpaper, she could become the Martha of easter eggs or she could start selling them for a fortune. Gorgeous!

All the eggs I got to choose from:

Now I'm off to go paint easter eggs and eat chocolate.
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