One of my clients told me about the story "How to wine, dine – and move her straight to the bedroom" in class today. I thought it was hilarious!
"You aren’t rich. You don’t play in a band. Your six-pack is what’s chilling in your fridge, not what’s chiselled across your abs.
Don’t sweat it. As long as you know your way around a kitchen, you’re a hot commodity on the dating scene, says Spencer Walker.
“I find that food is a great equalizer,” he says. “It doesn’t matter like how good looking or rich [you are], or how well you play guitar. … Not everybody can play guitar, but everybody can cook.”
Mr. Walker would say that. The Los-Angeles-based writer and former sous-chef and private chef has just published Cook to Bang: The Lay Cook’s Guide to Getting Laid, spun from his website of the same name."
I have to admit, that yes in fact this has worked before. There's nothing like being with someone who really savors life, who takes time to enjoy simple things and milks the most out of daily activities like eating.
I could never be with an OCD fitness freak who can easily eat organic greens out of a container and plain skinless chicken breasts. What is that all about? Life is too short.
I've also been wined and dined over expensive dinners. It's kind of easy to throw your plastic down. It's harder to take time to express feelings towards someone through extra effort and time.
Now boys. Don't get the wrong idea. If you use this cook to bang thing to manipulate women into the sack, you suck. If you're doing it because you really dig a chick and want to show her you might be good enough for her, then you have my blessing.
Now I'm not saying that a big over fed under worked out belly wouldn't be unattractive in the long run. I'm just saying that food is a gift and a man who can work with food is more likely able to be sensual in the sack as well. Am I right or am I right?
And just a little head's up, if the meal is better than what happens in the sack, no amount of home cookin' is going to get you seconds.
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