This is taken from my friend Amanda's blog, Fitness Fun and Nutrition....Amanda is really the fitness goddess here. I don't know how she finds the time to take care of two midgets and run a graphic design business and then stay so up to date on fitness developments. I want some of whatever energy she's running on!!!!
A few of the Mums from my sons school have been asking me how they can workout in the summer, when going to the gym will be difficult. So myself and fitness goddess Jane, took the ladies through a workout which they can do anywhere. I wanted to give them enough information that they feel they can do a quick session at home, in the hotel or on holiday.
We hung out in the playground after school, with all the kids too. Jane and I did a general conditioning class, based on a circuit training format. The only props we brought along were battling ropes and a resistance band for chin-ups, all the other exercises were using done using body-weight.

We had so much fun, the kids even joined in occasionally. And it was really cool to see these women working their butts off - I think they surprised themselves at how hard they could work and how empowering some of the exercises were.
The workout ended with the kids doing a tug-of-war and the parents doing a tabata cycle.
Click here for copy of the workout. Print it out and use it whenever you know you can't make it to the gym.
It sure was a blast seeing all the women really dig into the battle ropes. I wondered what they were thinking about as their inner warriors came out to play. . And spending time with other mamas from my daughter's school was a great way for me to feel more connected to the school community.
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