I always try to pretend that my birthday isn't an important day. I've had partners who are repelled by anything that seem in the least Hallmark holiday like. But the truth is that birthdays are a day for us to be engulfed in goodness and good wishes. Today was a special day. I loved getting little notes from Facebook friends wishing me a good day. May seem cheesy but not to me. It made me feel good to open little notes all day.
So a big thanks to the universe and the people that took a moment to be kind today. I also scored today with perfume, a new bag/purse, two David Sedaris books, Lululemon, flowers, Paris guide book. Paris walks with kids reference thingy, dinner out with my favourite person on the planet and I also bought myself a gift of someone weeding my garden for me and the new Kodak Zi8 camera. Sweet!
I'm not going to write about fitness, health or something smart. Instead, I chose to compile some of my favourite birthday quotes and sayings to end my day with some good cheer, wisdom and start my 37th year on the right foot.
You are only young once, but you can be immature for a lifetime.
- John P. Grier
No wise man ever wished to be younger.
- Jonathan Swift
One of the signs of passing youth is the birth of a sense of fellowship with other human beings as we take our place among them.
- Virginia Woolf
Age is a high price to pay for maturity.
- Tom Stoppard
It takes a long time to grow young.
- Pablo Picasso
It is better to wear out than to rust out.
- Bishop Richard Cumberland
Very early, I knew that the only object in life was to grow.
- Margaret Fuller
Many Happy Returns, I didnt realise it was today when I saw you! Glad you are having an awesome birthday. Much love xxx