Riders Board and Cycle just opened up in my hood. THANK GOD! An interesting business that doesn't sell fluffy white pastries or change your oil. Might I have made a good investment after all?
A couple weeks ago I got my old Supercycle tuned up at Riders Cycle and Board. This week my new student roomie bought a used bike from Riders with a full guarantee through the summer. What bike stores do that?
Yesterday I was taking my monkey for a little bike practice (can't call it a ride yet) and we passed by the shop for a little seat height adjustment. Valentine gave us some tips for teaching kids to ride. I said, "you should really offer learn to ride lessons for kids!". Valentine said, "I do. $50 an hour. Kids or adults." And he went further to explain his teaching technique which included much later in the process, him tagging along behind the bike with his in line skates on.
I think teaching our kids to ride is clearly one of those bonding moments no one should miss. It's like teaching your kids how to poop on a toilet or swim. It's just what you do as a parent. Every moment I can spend with my daughter I savour. But sometimes you've got to call in the pros. Many people are having kids later in life now too. Staying stooped over a tiny toddler bike does no favors for old fogies' backs. Just last week, one of my clients was teaching his child to ride and they had a crash. My client ended up with a broken wrist and rib. His son just a split lip.
Sometimes our kids learn better from other people especially if we tend to lose our patience or push too hard. It takes a village. My grandfather taught me. But many kids don't have many extended family around them helping out like they did before.

Let's face it. Families come in all shapes and sizes nowadays and the two parent, two kids, two car garage thing just isn't standard issue anymore.
So I thought I'd put in a little recommendation for Valentine and his likes. He's got a super friendly chilled out demeanor and it's easy to tell he's a community oriented type of being. It seems that this is a growing trend, the paying to learn to ride a bike thing. And if you're an adult who doesn't know how, what better way to stop missing out on one of the most joyous activities on the planet.
You can visit Riders Cycle and Board at 80 Geary Ave at Dovercourt or call 647.349.5649 or email valentine.tomlinson@gmail.com or riderstoronto.blogspot.com
Jane Clapp
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