I love food. I love trying new restaurants and I'm not afraid of fat. I've had trainers working for me who will eat organic greens out of a the plastic tub and dry unflavored hunks of carcass. That isn't me.
Food is a gift meant to be enjoyed. It's a part of our sensuality to taste, smell and devour delicious flavorful food made with love and attention. I don't do egg white omlettes or boiled chicken breasts or salad without the dressing.
We can eat decadent food without getting fat. We can especially enjoy the ritual of eating out together without feeling totally stuffed and disgusted with ourselves.
Here are some simple tips for eating out at fantastic restaurants and not over doing it or being a freak about it:
1) Don't double starch. If you choose to eat that delicious bread served with dinner, then don't do the potatoes or rice or pasta or at least limit how much you eat. Great restaurants aren't going to over do the starch serving size anyway.
2) Make a rule not to finish a full glass of wine before your meal starts. If you're doing an apertif than keep it lower on the sugar side. Save your second glass of wine for after your main arrives.
3) Ensure your server/waitor is filling your glass to the appropriate level (i.e. the fattest part of the glass). Not any higher. This is an appropriate serving size of wine.
4) If you HAVE to have the risotto or pasta then get a first course to yourself and share the starchy main course or split the starchy main with a lover or friend who orders one heavier on veggies and protein.
5) Don't order a dessert to yourself. Share, share, share.
6) Don't get the dressing on the side. You'll look neurotic and likely end up with exactly the same amount as you would've had if they just brought it to you as is.
7) Finish your veggies and protein before the starch on your plate. Stop before you're full. It takes 20 minutes for your brain to register the feeling of fullness. Eating out doesn't mean you have a free pass to stuffy your face.
8) If you order a steak of any sort, don't eat more than a deck of cards portion size. So what if the chef is insulted. It's just silly to serve people a huge hunk of meat at nicer restaurants. Less is more sometimes.
9) I'm not afraid of fat or butter but I will try to stay away from fried foods. Maybe a little frites with a steak is fine but don't finish them.
10) After enjoying a decadent meal tighten up your eating before and after. Try to eat cleaner the day before or following. Not crazy clean but just go easier on any treats. It's all about big picture balance.
Taking the joy out of eating is no fun. And eating with people and enjoying food that is made with care is a gift. We are so lucky to be able to do this. So many people in the world can't. So we should enjoy! Just don't eat so much you have to loosen your pants. Gluttony isn't sexy.
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