Got your attention?
Exercise classes or going for a run with a friend will make you feel better than working out alone, according to new research published in the Royal Society journal Biology Letters.
When we exercise, happiness' hormones called endorphins are released by the body giving us a natural high', a feeling of elation. To find out if this hormone release is affected by working out in a group, a team of scientists from the University of Oxford measured endorphin production in a group of rowers, both when they exercised alone and when they trained together as a team.
Endorphins help to reduce the feeling of pain and Emma Cohen and her team carried out a pain threshold test before and after the exercise sessions as a way of measuring how much endorphins had been produced.
Their results showed participants to have a significantly higher tolerance to pain after exercising in a group than they did after exercising alone, suggesting that their group workouts led to a greater production of feel good endorphins.
See full article
When people get their friends to join a class or come to a training session with them at Urbanfitt, I know they secretly take pleasure in showing how hard they've been working and can't wait for the reports of soreness the next day. Not everyone needs a workout buddy to get a workout high. But most of us know people we would love to help in their efforts to feel better, look better or even live with less chronic pain. These referrals have been keeping Urbanfitt going and growing.
Word of mouth has been the foundation of my biz the last four years. I always try to make sure I thank people personally for referrals but I also want to find a way to share some fitness love back with those giving me a helping hand.
Refer a friend and if they purchase a personal training package of 10 sessions, then you get a gift certificate for $95. Seriously.
Refer a friend and if they sign up for an Urban Warrior package you get a gift certificate for $25
Refer a friend and you get a gift certificate for $20
If you refer a friend, you get a gift certificate for $15
If you ever want to bring a friend along to a personal training session, no problemo. Just give me a head's up. Let's have some fun together.
Or if one of your friends wants to try an Urban Warrior Team Training session, let me know. Let's both work on getting their butts in shape.
Stay posted for my free Urban Warrior try out sessions. A total freebie valued at $35 for anyone and you can invite your friends.
I'll take care of you because I know my future lies in the good will of my community and fantastic clients. And if you are a friend of Urbanfitt, you deserve some benefits.
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