Spring is a fantastic time to let go of what we don't need like Maggie shedding her winter coat. Will it ever stop?!!! Thanks to Jennifer for the Furminator.
As a celebration of the new season, I wanted to refocus my Urban Warrior Team Training peeps on their weight loss or weight maintenance goals.
You're definitely going to think I'm good but also evil. I sure can be a pain. I made everyone pick a dumbbell that was the amount of weight they were trying to lose or the weight they have lost and got them to do six sets of five flight stairs with the dumbbell in hand. For the people without weight loss goals, they still had to carry a dumbbell.
Shedding what we don't need sure makes life easier. Whether it be extra fat tissue, old thought patterns, or junk in our homes> OMG have you caught an episode of Hoarders?. That'll make you get rid of crap in your house!
Even Maggie needs to shed not only hair but also a little winter weight. We've starting our fast runs down to Trinity Bellwoods and back and she's lost some of her get up and go this winter. She started caking out when we were making our way back up Manning.
If you have weight you're trying to lose, next time you're at the gym try running or climbing stairs with the amount of weight you want to drop and see how much extra effort it takes to lug around superfluous poundage. It might just be the kick in the pants you need. And if you've recently lost weight, try it too with the amount of weight you've lost so you can appreciate how much easier you've made your everyday life by letting something go you didn't need.
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