Funniest thing I heard this week:
My friend's five year old son who came by for a visit to the studio.
"Mommy divorce isn't good. It's expensive"
Coolest image I saw this week by Juanita Eyre, contemporary photography taken from her motherhood series:

Best idea I had all week:
Treat my Victoria's Kitchen freezer like my tickle trunk at the dentist. Anyone who gets nauseous from Tabata gets to pick a food item from the freezer. Twisted yet apologetic at the same time.

Best class I taught this week:
Urban Warrior Team Training when everyone carried the dumbbells up and down the stairs. See post below under 'shedding'.
Most feel good moment this week:
Showed up in one of my clients dreams and processed dream's meaning in session! Now I'm so pervasive people are dreaming about me ;)
Best first step this week:
Contacting St. John's Ambulance to see if Maggie can become a legit therapy dog so she can share some love with sick people. Orientation date is in June. Go Maggie!
Happiest moment this week:
When my commercial landlord told me they were going to help me out with something we were working on and that I'll get real signage on the building after 4 years of being here! Yay!
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