Just finished teaching my first ball and chain boot camp. One of my missions was to help my female clients by showing their men how freakin' hard they work while they are here.
We don't use pink dumbells or do leg lifts or take it easy AT ALL.
As we started with our usual climbing of the five flights of stairs, Jason asked Helgi "What did I do to you?". He felt like he was in the dog house for being tortured today.
After 8 full flights of full out stair climbing we came back to the room for two sets of the Tabata method.
1st set- Burpies alternating with squat jumps.
2nd set- Flared push ups with firehydrants.
Totally satisfying for me to see Dave dripping sweat on the floor.
Then we moved to assisted pistol squats 3 sets of 12 each leg alternated with partner assisted tricep dips (holding each others legs) 3 sets of 12.
Right about this time we were ready for a little electrolyte cocktail brought to us by Isagenix in the form of Want More Energy. Some of us were feeling a little whoozy.
Next up came the pull ups, the women stood back and watched how their men did. Again Jason asked Helgi, "What do I get if I do one pull up? What about 2 or 3 three?" We of course killed ourselves laughing.
If was so awesome to see the dudes cheer on their women. Daniel won the prize for best cheerleader. "Baby you look so strong," he kept saying. The men encouraged theirs women with little pats on the butt here and there. It was even more satisfying for me to watch how well conditioned these fantastic women are.
We finished with a core circuit:
Renegade rows 2 sets of 12 each side
Planks elbows on ball with elbow circles 2 sets 8 each way
Stability ball knee pikes or full body pikes.
Stability ball planks with toe taps.
Then we tenderized the grissle in IT Bands and quads, backs etc. with the physio roller and finished with some myofascial stretches.
It was so great to be around such solid couples. It's clear I know SQUAT about love but I think I created a great class so that everyone was left feeling challenged.
Thanks to everyone who tried it out! Hope you all have time for a nap today ;)
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